Patti Smith recently sat down for an exclusive interview with Rolling Stonewhere she spoke on a range of things including life in New York over the past year, as well as looking ahead to performing at Bob Dylan’s 80th birthday event.

On getting back into the swing of things with live music, Smith says that it’s been somewhat challenging, particularly with the confinements that COVID-safe gigs bring. And that all in all, she’s still finding out how she can “best serve these new times we’re living in.”

She began, “Well, I’ve only done two [runs of shows]. I did something at the Brooklyn Museum for workers (as part of NY PopsUp). And then I’ve done two shows at the City Winery, very small with my son Jackson and my pianist, Tony Shanahan. I have to say it’s challenging. I mean, it’s challenging, because, one, you have to shake off the dust.”

She continued, “And I’m such a visceral performer, and I’m used to having people really close up to the stage and interacting with them physically and even just shaking their hand. I think it’s important we do these small steps and find our way. But it’s like everything else, you need to strengthen that performing muscle.”

“We have to do these things in increments. But I’m just of another time. I’m a pretty irreverent performer. I love my people, but I like things to be somewhat… not dangerous, but rowdy. And even when I do a book event, there’s a certain amount of engagement, and even physical engagement. Even just standing up reading out of a book can be engaging.”

Smith also went on to reflect on the “new rules” surrounding current gigs and how if anything, they pose as more than safety restrictions to her. They’re also restrictive on her freedom to be on stage and off stage.

“Performing now requires a certain amount of understanding and compassion and discipline in terms of the new rules. For instance, I’m the kind of person that likes to just move around the people, hang out with people that may be outside of the venue, sign stuff. I’m a person that when I sing, I get a lot of spit in my mouth.”

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“And ever since the Seventies, I spit. People used to think it was because I was being tough. But it’s because when I’m singing, I get water in my mouth and I just spit it out. It’s the kind of person I am. I can’t do that. And I found it really challenging.”

Smith is set to perform on May 22nd and 23rd this week as part of Bob Dylan’s upcoming 80th birthday on May 24th. For more on this topic, follow the Classic Rock Observer.

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