Swedish metal outfit Sabaton are “broken, badly beaten, bleeding and stitched up” following a serious car accident in the Sahara Desert recently.

If you’ve followed Sweden’s Sabaton at any time over the last two decades, you would be aware that they aren’t the sort of group to take anything they do lightly.

From their brutal records to their phenomenal live shows, the group are known to take things to the next level. Unfortunately, their high-energy approach to life has caused the group a bit of trouble, finding themselves rather badly injured following a car accident recently.

Taking to social media yesterday, the band revealed that they had been forced to cancel a show in Poland due to injuries sustained following the filming of a music video shoot.

“Two days ago in Tunisia we were involved in a serious traffic incident upon our return from a video shoot in the Sahara desert,” the group explained.

“We are all broken, badly beaten, bleeding and stitched up, but happy to be alive and confident that we will be fully recovered over time.

“However, after consulting medical expertise and evaluating all our injuries we are sure that we cannot do the scheduled concert in Poland today without risk of consequential injuries.”

Sharing images of the filming process and the accident itself, Sabaton are undoubtedly counting themselves lucky to have survived the incident without any debilitating injuries.

As it stands, Sabaton released their latest album, The Great War, back in July, having made their triumphant return to Australia in early 2018 for the first edition of the Download Festival.

It remains to be seen when we’ll see the band back on our shores, or when we’ll see the music video that the band recently shot in the Sahara Desert, but at this stage, both fans and bandmembers alike are happy that they pulled through this recent incident.

Check out ‘Great War’ by Sabaton:

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