Slipknot drummer Shaun “Clown” Crahan has spoken out on how he’s being extra careful to mind his health during coronavirus.
It’s no surprise that most of us are watching our hand hygiene a bit better these days, and taking extra care when it comes to protecting both our health and the health of others. Musicians are also keeping this in mind, because they’re going just as nuts without concerts being on, too.
While Gene Simmons has talked on the importance of wearing a face mask and keeping your hands clean, Slipknot drummer Clown has spoken out that he really doesn’t “have time to be ill,” and that is his motivator to be extra diligent during this pandemic.
During a recent episode of The Electric Theater, Clown had a chat with Fletcher Dragge, guitarist of Pennywise, detailing how he’s been managing with the COVID-19 pandemic.
“What I picked up early was that this affects a lot of people, of course, with compromised immune systems, but a lot of elderly and stuff,” Clown began.
Considering that COVID-19 is more likely to affect both the elderly and immune compromised persons, Clown stated that although his parents have passed away prior to this pandemic, and he doesn’t “have anyone that way,” he’s concerned for others. “My best friend’s mom is alive, all of my best friends’ parents, things like that. Instantly, I was, like, ‘Wow, that’s a really scary thing.'”
Continuing on, Clown told Dragge that one reason he is diligent with his health is that he really doesn’t have time to get sick, and that it really effects the way he performs as a musician, even though there aren’t gigs on now.
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“I don’t have time to be ill. At least in my experience, the worst shows I’ve ever had are the ones where I had to play with a fever, and it wasn’t ’cause I played bad,” he detailed. “It’s just because I wanted to […] end it.”
Although Australia has the virus much more in hand than the United States, the CDC recommends being extra vigilant with hygiene, and to get tested if you have any of the symptoms of coronavirus.
Check out Clown talking on The Electric Theater: