A recent picture posted on Twitter of a Michael Jackson statue in Brazil has illicited some hilarious reactions from Twitter users.

Recently, the statue in Brazil that commemorates Michael Jackson’s ‘They Don’t Care About Us,’ which was filmed in the same location, was uncovered by Twitter.

@AUgustBeat_ Tweeted a picture of the statue with the simple caption, “Michael Jackson statue in Brazil.” The statue is supposed to recreate iconic imagery from the music video, but people on Twitter don’t think it’s capturing the look of Michael.

“This Sandra Bullock”

“That can’t be Michael”

“Got him looking crazy asl”

“Christian ronald”


In other bizarre Michael Jackson news, a clairvoyant woman said she is married to the ghost of Michael. The story came about in the latter half of 2021, in which she spoke extensively about her relationship with the late pop-star.

The woman named Kathleen Roberts can channel a connection with those who aren’t living with us here on earth, as according to the Daily StarRoberts is a clairvoyant.

She also claims that she’s the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe and that she’s been married to the ‘Thriller’ singer for a number of years now.

Roberts told the Daily Star, “Michael stays in me all the time so he comes to the restroom with me and calls these special bonding moments ‘toiletries’.”

“He sings and dances possessed in me (or channeling if you refer to it professionally). He talks to me a lot, which is not what I expected from the shy man I saw on tv all of those years I was a fan.

Roberts also states that while they are in a so-called “marriage”, there is no sexual nature to their relationship, but she says Jackson “loves cookies”.

She said, “He stays possessed in me (relaxed not channeling and just enjoying living through me and communicating with me as a husband). So he likes to eat in me. He loves cookies.”

“He cusses a lot more to I’d expect him to as a former fan.”

And Roberts really adores Jackson, saying that she feels “special” that he chose her.

She continued, “I feel special that he chose me for a wife (though not on paper) we treat our relationship as though we are married. We have our ups and downs but Michael, the truth is, I just can’t stop loving you.”

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