Since talking to Artie Ziff from The Simpsons is impossible, we went for the next best thing and had a chat to Arty Ziff instead.
When one says the name “Artie Ziff,” most people will immediately think of that Simpsons character who is unhealthily obsessed with Marge.
Well folks, we’re here to tell you that while Artie Ziff is a fictional character, Arty Ziff is a real person.
In fact, Arty is a Melbourne-based producer who dabbles in disco-tinged electronica and has put together some quality bangers in the past year or so.
To get a sense of who Arty Ziff is – and why he named himself after a Simpsons character – we had a chat with the producer as part of our popular Get To Know series.
How did your artist name come about?
A few years ago I decided I was a photographer (I was not) and I would go around Melbourne taking “Arty Pics.” The phrase sounded very similar to the semi popular Simpsons character Artie Ziff. The name stuck with me, and I also thought I’d add myself to the long list of Simpsons related band names.
How would you describe your music to your grandma?
Nan.. it’s inspired by Disco House from the early 00’s and late 90’s but with an alternative pop twist. It’s sort of, you know like, Bag Raiders, Cut Copy and Alice Ivy.
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Tell us about a few of your tracks; their titles and what they’re about?
I used to make collage styled music, inspired by The Avalanches, DJ Shadow etc. I would go through all of Melbourne’s op shops and pick out the ugliest records and try to sample them.
The last track I released was called ‘Fall into You’ which featured Noah Harris from Fan Girl. It was the first time I had properly worked with a singer. That song is a bit dark, Noah and I agreed to leave the lyrics up to the listener’s interpretation.
My newest track ‘Thought About You’ is the first release after the mixtape. The song features a very special guest, Fractures. The track is about a past relationship and reflecting back on the good and bad times.
What do you love about your hometown?
I live in Melbourne and I love that there is something always happening. Either there is a band playing or the footy is on, there is always something to do. Also the coffee here is pretty killer.
Career highlight so far?
Last year, I released a track called ‘Bless your Soul’, Australian rapper Kwame, out of nowhere shouted me out on triple J’s Good Nights. That’s something I think about often.
Fave non-music hobby?
Basketball, either playing it or watching it. It’s a pretty fantastic sport. I often dream I can dunk, It’s depressing when I wake up and realise I still can’t.
What’s on your dream rider?
A flat white and an almond croissant. It’s not healthy but it’s a good time.
Dream music collaboration?
George Michael (RIP), he was amazing at pop melodies. Listening back to old Wham! songs like ‘Club Tropicana’ and ‘Everything She Wants’, those are some fantastic ear worms. Even later when he did ‘Amazing’, it was a bit softer but was still very dance inspired and so catchy.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Hopefully living overseas or something cool like that, wouldn’t mind living it up in France that would be the dream.
What’s your go-to karaoke song?
Stardust’s ‘Music Sounds Better With You’. There is literally like four lines to remember, you can really get into it!
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
“Just keep going…”
What’s one obsession you have that no one would guess after listening to your music?
I am really obsessed with YouTube cooking videos (good and bad), I can watch them for hours. I will never actually cook any of the food because, I know I’ll never be able to recreate it but, I really do appreciate it.