OG Black Sabbath member Bill Ward clearly has other hobbies away from drumming, sharing some poems for Halloween. 

Ward took to social media to release three new original pieces, titled ‘Halloween 2021’, ‘A Walk Home’, and ‘Cold… and Dark’.

“The haunting time is days away, Children, happy, what’s all this, Am I too tired for the pranks, they’ll play,” the first poem says, Ward showing his age. “Perhaps the moods, not reached me yet, I hope I’m not doomed to be an observer on the day,” it continues.

Ward only wants to be a poet temporarily though, with the drummer recently detailing his ambition to make another Black Sabbath record, revealing that he’d even discussed the idea with the band’s management.

“My biggest contention has been ‘let’s make another album’,” he said. “Nothing live necessarily, because I’m looking at what I can realistically do.”
Aged 73 now, writing poetry is easier to do than the strenuous act of drumming for Ward, as he readily admitted. “The way I play the drums, it’s becoming tougher as I get older. I haven’t spoken to the guys about it, but I have talked to a couple of people in management about the possibility of making a recording.

Which I can do safely, even with COVID around. I can lay tracks at my studio in Los Angeles. I’m very open-minded about doing something like that.”

Ward had been on board for the Black Sabbath reunion when it was first announced more than nine years ago but left the lineup in 2012. While he claimed it was a result of contract issues, other members of the band claimed that the drummer sadly wasn’t physically able to perform to the right standard anymore.

“Bill Ward has got the most physically demanding job of the lot of us, ’cause he’s the timekeeper. I don’t think personally he had the chops to pull it off, you know. The saddest thing is that he needed to own up to that, and we could have worked around it, whether we had a drummer on the side with him or something,” Ozzy Osbourne told The Pulse of Radio during Sabbath’s last tour.

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