Ben Lee Joyfully Skips Around Sydney in Innovative Music Video Ben Lee says his new single "is about swagger in the face of chaos, confidence in the face of failure, sexiness in the face of insecurity"
MJ Lenderman Announces New Album ‘Manning Fireworks’ MJ Lenderman has today also shared a new single, 'She's Leaving You'
Party Dozen Announce New Album ‘Crime in Australia’ Party Dozen will explore the 'order' and 'disorder' of their noise-rock sound on their forthcoming album
Beddy Rays Drop Motivational Anthem ‘Hold On’ Beddy Rays begin a 12-stop regional Australian tour in August
Watch an Unearthed Original Pavement Music Video 'Summer Babe' is one of Pavement's most beloved songs
‘Matefest’: Dune Rats and FIDLAR to Tour Australian Together Both Dune Rats and FIDLAR have albums on the way over the coming months
“A Fresh Rebirth”: Hockey Dad Release Fourth Album ‘Rebuild Repeat’ Hockey Dad begin their Australian album tour next week
Real Estate Announce 2024 Australian Tour Real Estate last tour of Australia took place all the way back in 2017